Η Επιχείρηση I Υπηρεσίες I Πως θα μας βρείτε I Επιχειρηματική Συνεργασία I Επικοινωνία
Portal Εμποροβιομηχανικού Επιμελητηρίου Πειραιά
Παρασκευή, 08-11-2024 I  




1. New Building Consultation in:

a. Specification Appraisal

b. Plan Approval

2. Design and consultation services to ship conversion projects, such as:

a. Converting single hull ships, or ships with double bottoms and protectively located ballast tanks, 
    into fully fledged double-hull ships.

b. Bunker tanks modification to comply with MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI

3. Preparation of dry-dock technical Specifications

4. Vessel Pre-purchase Inspection and Examination of Class Records

5. Tonnage Measurements

6. Scantling Re-assessment

7. Technical Consultancy and preparation of Operational Manuals, to the satisfaction of IMO regulations and other
    International Organizations requirements, such as:

a. Ballast Water Management Plans (IMO Res A.868(20) )

b. Procedures & Arrangement (P&A) Manuals for chemical and product tankers

carrying NLS cargoes

c. Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP)

d. Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP), for vessels carrying noxious liquid

e. Vapor Emission Control System (VECS) Manuals

f. Cargo Securing Manuals

g. Fire Control & Safety Plans (IMO Res. A.654(16) )

h. Safety Training Manuals ( SOLAS , Chapter 3, Regs 18 & 51)

i. Fire Safety Maintenance, Fire Training Manual & Fire Safety Operational Manual (IMO Res. 

j. Local Loading Criteria for Bulk Carrier Cargo Holds, in accordance with SOLAS Chapter VI, 
  Regulation 7, Paragraphs 2.4 & 2.5 &
IACS UR S1A With Reference to Loading Manual
  Requirements on Part
Loaded & Block Loading Conditions & TRANSPORT CANADA, “SHIP
  SAFETY BULLETIN No: 03/2002 ”Loading Sequence Documentation (UR

k. New IACS requirements for single hull Bulk Carriers: S30 (Evaluation of cargo hatch cover securing arrangements) and S31 (Renewal criteria for side shell frames)

8. Analysis of Transportation systems

9. ISM & ISO Development and Auditing Services

10. ISPS Code - Security Assessments and Plans

11. In-house Training Services

k. New IACS requirements for single hull Bulk Carriers: S30 (Evaluation of cargo hatch cover securing arrangements) and S31 (Renewal criteria for side shell frames)

8. Analysis of Transportation systems

9. ISM & ISO Development and Auditing Services

10. ISPS Code - Security Assessments and Plans

11. In-house Training Services

12. Engine Pressure Monitoring equipment and software

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